Central Register of Contracts for Microsoft Dynamics 365

All contracts in one place!

The Central Register of Contracts is our add-on for Microsoft Dynamics, thanks to which all contracts and their settlement are available in one place – in the ERP system.

Many types of contracts operate in organizations – purchase, sales, project, investment, cost…

Thanks to the Central Register of Contracts for Microsoft Dynamics, all contracts are in one register. Each with a code informing about its type.


Contracts are automatically linked to the budget of the project being run, so you know how much money is still available.

A signed contract reserves a given amount in the project budget – just one click: Block funds in the project budget.



From the project level, you can see the reservations you have made. This lets you know how much you can spend on the next steps.



The tree structure of budgets allows you to quickly find available funds and contracts divided into budget items.


Electronic acceptance of budgets and their adjustments allows for flexible assignment of work related to acceptance to appropriate persons, heads of a given unit or project manager.


Electronic invoice acceptance (workflow) allows for effective budget control – linking to the contract and budget reservation strengthens project control and tightens the document acceptance system.

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