On March 12-13, 2025, the Marshal’s Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship invites us to the next edition of the Three Seas Congress. Together with the organizers, we encourage you to register and visit our company booth, which will be available throughout the Congress. We will be happy to discuss your questions or concerns regarding new […]
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Modern and flexible Microsoft ERP system for medium and large organizations.

What we offer?
Projects based on solutions dedicated to selected sectors.

Public sector
Streamlining operational activities and enabling the provision of better quality services.

Commercial sector
Solutions designed in relation to the conducted activity. Create ideal conditions for project management.

Educational sector
Comprehensive response to the requirements of institutions for higher education in the area of computerization and efficient operational management.

Functional areas
Customized solutions to particular areas in the company.

Components for MD365 / AX - full use and visualization of system information.

What can we do for you?
Contact us! We will help you to choose the right solutions.

Public sector
Streamlining operational activities and enabling the provision of better quality services.

Commercial sector
Solutions designed in relation to the conducted activity. Create ideal conditions for project management.

Educational sector
Comprehensive response to the requirements of institutions for higher education in the area of computerization and efficient operational management.

Functional areas
Customized solutions to particular areas in the company.

Components for MD365 / AX - full use and visualization of system information.

What can we do for you?
Contact us! We will help you to choose the right solutions.
In today’s globalized education landscape, understanding the needs of students from around the world is key to success. ask4all, our advanced AI chatbot, takes academic support for international students to the next level: ✅ Multilingual Capabilities – ask4all detects the language of a query and responds in the same language, whether the question is written […]
A New Chapter in Our Company’s History! We are proud to announce that our company has officially transformed into a joint-stock company! This is not just a formal change—it is a symbol of our dynamic growth, increasing professionalism, and further strengthening of our market position. For nearly 30 years, we have been consistently building a […]
On March 12-13, 2025, the Marshal’s Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship invites us to the next edition of the Three Seas Congress. Together with the organizers, we encourage you to register and visit our company booth, which will be available throughout the Congress. We will be happy to discuss your questions or concerns regarding new […]
In today’s globalized education landscape, understanding the needs of students from around the world is key to success. ask4all, our advanced AI chatbot, takes academic support for international students to the next level: ✅ Multilingual Capabilities – ask4all detects the language of a query and responds in the same language, whether the question is written […]
Comprehensive support for business processes
one4all products sold
one4all system allows to integrate advanced IT systems increasingly used by medium and large enterprises.
MOREWe comprehensively support the business processes of companies - contact us and tell what we can do for your organization.
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